One of the first cell phones that came out was a Motorola Dyna-Tac 8000. It was introduced in 1984, weighed 2 pounds and cost about $4,000.00. I called it the 'mini-bat'. In terms of time, it was not too long ago since it's inception. Since then, the evolution of technology and pricing has dramatically changed the way we communicate. Today we have compact phones that are mini-computers.
If you saw someone using a Motorola Dyna-Tac 8000 today, you may think that person is pretty cool (if used as a marketing tool) or they are still living in the dark ages. Either way you form an opinion and impression of them.
Are your methods, systems and thoughts up to date with the expectations of your ideal client, customer or patient? Are the efforts that you are putting into your business, helping to bring you closer to your ideal vision? When was the last time you invested in yourself and your business by taking a class, workshop or training?
Take a look at your business and yourself and determine if you are as progressive as you need to be. Sometimes what we do behind the scenes is not as easily noticed by others or our complacent self, so there is no motivation to change....until one day we realize that the phone that is in our hand is a mini-bat!
Which phone represents your business?