Online social networking has bombarded the lives and minds of many people. Some have connected to long lost friends, families and classmates. Others have made new business connections and have been able to benefit from the ability to reach the masses without leaving their computer. Some are addicted.
The rapid pace at which new sites pop up is phenomenal. Remember when My Space was the flavor of the day? By the time you set up your social networking and learn how to use all the functionality, the so called next latest and greatest (have to be a part of) is on the market. It's like having social networking back seat drivers with so many people and articles that claim, 'this is the one'.
Is social networking working for you? Does it allow less vulnerability and reduce fear? Are you consumed by it? Has it replaced your person to person contact?
Use the value that social networking has to your advantage as long as it fits into your business vision and plan. Don't let social networking seduce you into being it's lover.