The Leadership Vibe

Coaching - One Blog Bit at a Time

Meaningful Connections

How would you categorize the connections that you make with people on a regular basis for your business?

Is it ...

a. For the sale?
b. To increase the amount of customers/patients/clients you have?
c. To have a positive impact on each person and the world?
d. To share what you are passionate about?
e. To provide an experience to remember?
f. To increase your business to get by?
G. A combination of the above?

There is no right or wrong answer.

However, think about this: If you lost everything today, which one of those connections would be there to give you support?

If you are going to take the time and energy to make a connection, why not make it meaningful- however you choose to define it. It doesn't have to be just a numbers game!